So Leo put out his baton and told everyone that they've got a mission, which is fill the pumpkin before the ghosts take their treats! So they all head inside Rocket, buckle their seatbelts, do the pat sequence and blast off! Soon, they hear ghosts who want to take their treat which is sound like a bass. But the Knight didn't toss the treats and slams the door into their pumpkin basket and Annie told them to sing the trick or treat song as Leo told Annie to sing a trick or treat song and so, Annie sang the trick or treat song, and soon, the Knight use some of their treats to toss into their pumpkin basket all the way to the of the medieval castle picture and Leo told them that they need to fill the pumpkin basket to the top as we can have enough for our costume party. Your browser does not support the audio element.In A Little Einsteins Halloween, the Little Einsteins arrived at the Medieval Castle and Rocket landed in front of the entrance of the the medieval castle head out of Rocket as Annie told Quincy to knock on the door and so, Quincy knocks to the tune of In the Hall of the Mountain King and soon, Leo asks about their Halloween treats and they toss in our pumpkin basket. Listen to a recorded reading of this page:.Take a ten question quiz about this page.Cats and dogs were kept in castles to help kill rats and keep them from eating the grain stores.The steward managed all the affairs of the castle.Many castles were built on a spring so they would have water during a siege. Often times attacking armies would wait outside and try to starve out the castle dwellers rather than attack them.They included the battering ram, catapult, siege towers, and the ballista. Siege engines were used to attack castles.Many castles kept their ale in a room called the buttery.Originally towers were built with square tops, but later were replaced by round towers that offered better defense and visibility.Malbork Castle - Built in Poland in 1274 by the Teutonic Knights, this is the largest castle in the world by surface area.Hohensalzburg Castle - Sitting on top of a hill in Austria, it was originally built in 1077, but was greatly expanded in the late 15th century.Spis Castle - Located in Eastern Slovakia, this is one of the largest Medieval castles in Europe.Cite de Carcassonne - Famous castle in France started by the Romans.Chateau Gaillard - Castle built in France by Richard the Lionheart.Leeds Castle - Built in 1119, this castle later became the residence of King Edward I.Over time the tower has served as a prison, treasury, armory, and royal palace. The large White Tower was started in 1078 by William the Conqueror. Today it is still the primary residence of English royalty. Windsor Castle - William the Conqueror built this castle after he became ruler of England.Generally they were cut out from walls allowing defenders to attack while still being protected by the wall. Battlements - Battlements were at the tops of castle walls.Gatehouse - The gatehouse was built at the gate to help reinforce the castle defenses at its weakest point.Arrow Slits - These were slits cut into the walls that allowed archers to shoot arrows at attackers, but remain safe from return fire.Curtain Wall - The wall around the castle which had a walkway on it from which defenders could fire arrows down onto attackers.Keep - The keep was a large tower and the last place of defense in a castle.It could be filled with water and there was typically a drawbridge across it to get to the castle gate. Moat - A moat was a defensive ditch dug around the castle.Although castle design varied widely throughout Europe, there were some similar features that many castles incorporated: